Chapter 7 Section 7.5
Implementing the VSAM eWay Sample Projects Building and Deploying the prjVSAM_BPEL Sample Project
VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 67 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8Click Add, the Add Prepared Statement window appears. Enter the following:
Prepared Statement Name: Select_ps
SQL Statement:
select * from CICSEMP where EMPID > ? order by EMPID
Note: In our example, the SQL statement includes the ? placeholder for input. This
placeholder represents the value for the Where Clause.
9Click the OK button to close the Prepared Statement window, and then click Next
on the Prepared Statements Wizard window.
10 Enter an OTD name. In this example, we use otdVSAM.
11 Click Next and review your settings, then click Finish to create the OTD.
Steps required to create inbound and outbound DTD OTDs:
1Right-click your new Project in the Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer, and
select New > Object Type Definition.
The New Object Type Definition Wizard window appears.
2Select DTD from the list of OTD Wizards and click Next.
3Browse to and then select a DTD file. For our example, select one of the following
DTD files from the sample Project, and then click Next.
4The file you select appears in the Select Document Elements window. Click Next.
5Click Finish to complete the DTD based OTD. Repeat this process again to create
the second DTD file.
7.5.3 Creating the Business Process
Steps required to create the Business Process include:
Creating the business process flow
Configuring the modeling elements
Creating the Business Process Flow
The business process flow contains all the BPEL elements that make up a business
Steps to create a business process flow include:
1Right-click your new Project in the Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer, and
select New > Business Process from the shortcut menu. The eInsight Business
Process Designer appears and BusinessProcess1 is added to the Project Explorer
tree. Rename BusinessProcess1 to bpInsert.