Chapter 7 Section 7.5
Implementing the VSAM eWay Sample Projects Building and Deploying the prjVSAM_BPEL Sample Project
VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 91 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
5Make any necessary changes to the Create Domain dialog box and click Create. The
new domain is added to the Domain Manager. Select the domain and click the Start
an Existing Domain button. Once your domain is started, a green check mark
indicates that the domain is running.
Note: For more information about creating and managing domains see the eGate
Integrator System Administration Guide.
7.5.9 Building and Deploying the Project
The Build process compiles and validates the Project’s Java files and creates the Project
EAR file.
Build the Project
1From the Deployment Editor toolbar, click the Build icon.
2If there are any validation errors, a Validation Errors pane will appear at the bottom
of the Deployment Editor and displays information regarding the errors. Make any
necessary corrections and click Build again.
3After the Build has succeeded you are ready to deploy your Project.
Deploy the Project
1From the Deployment Editor toolbar, click the Deploy icon. Click Yes when the
Deploy prompt appears.
2A message appears when the project is successfully deployed. You can now test
your sample.
7.5.10Running the Sample Project
Additional steps are required to run the deployed sample Project.
Steps required to run the sample Project:
1Rename one of the trigger files included in the sample Project from
<filename>.in.~in to <filename>.in to run the corresponding operation.
The File eWay polls the directory every five seconds for the input file name (as
defined in the Inbound File eWay Properties window). The Business Process then
transforms the data, and the File eWay sends the output to an Output file name (as
defined in the outbound File eWay Properties window).
The Where Clause defined in the business rule recognizes the trigger as a
placeholder for input, allowing a set condition, such as EMPID = 100, to determine
the type of output data.
You can modify the following input files to view different output.