VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 4Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Chapter 3
Setting Properties of the VSAM eWay 20
Creating and Configuring a VSAM eWay 20
Configuring the eWay Connectivity Map Properties 20
Transaction Support Levels Between Different Versions 22
Configuring the eWay Environment Properties 23
eWay Connectivity Map Properties 24
Connectivity Map (Outbound) CP eWay Properties 25
Connectivity Map Outbound non-Transactional eWay Properties 25
eWay Environment Properties 26
Inbound VSAM eWay Properties 26
(Outbound) VSAM CP eWay Properties 26
JDBC Connector Settings 27
Connection Retry Settings 29
Outbound VSAM non-Transactional eWay Properties 30
JDBC Connector Settings 30
Connection Retry Settings 32
Chapter 4
Using the VSAM eWay Database Wizard 34
About the Database OTD Wizard 34
Creating a New VSAM OTD 34
Select Wizard Type 35
Connect To Database 35
Select Database Objects 36
Select Tables/Views/Aliases 37
Add Prepared Statement 41
Specify the OTD Name 44
Review Selections 45
Resulting OTD 46
Steps to Edit an Existing VSAM OTD 47
Chapter 5
Using VSAM OTDs 49
Overview 49
Using Tables 49
Using the select Method 50
Select Operations 51
Insert Operations 51
Update Operations 51