VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 49 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5

This chapter describes operations you can perform using VSAM Object Type
Definitions (OTDs) in eGate.
What’s in This Chapter
Overview on page 49
Using Tables on page49
Using Views on page52
Using Prepared Statements on page 52
5.1 Overview
This section explains the types of VSAM OTDs used with the eWay within the
Collaboration Editor (Java), including the OTD’s methods.
You can use VSAM OTD methods with:
Tabl es ( ta ble OTD )
Views ( view OTD)
Prepared statements (prepared statement OTD)
Views are read-only and for informational purposes only. Use the OTD wizard (see
Chapter 4) to create the VSAM Database OTDs.
User-defined OTD
You can use the OTD wizard to create an eGate User-defined OTD. See the eGate
Integrator User’s Guide for a complete explanation of how to create a User-defined OTD.
5.2 Using Tables
A table OTD represents a database table. It consists of fields and methods. Fields
correspond to the columns of a table, while methods are the operations that you can
apply to the OTD. This setup allows you to perform select, update, insert, and delete
SQL operations in a table.