VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 61 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7

Implementing the VSAM eWay Sample Projects
This chapter provides an introduction to the VSAM eWay components, and
information on how these components are created and implemented in a Sun Java
Composite Application Platform Suite Project. Sample Projects are designed to provide
an overview of the basic functionality of the VSAM eWay by identifying how
information is passed between eGate and supported external databases.
It is assumed that you understand the basics of creating a Project using the Enterprise
Designer. For more information on creating an eGate Project, see the eGate Tutorial and
the eGate Integrator User’s Guide.
What’s in This Chapter
About the VSAM eWay Sample Projects on page61
Running the Sample Projects on page 64
Running the SQL Script on page 64
Importing a Sample Project on page 65
Building and Deploying the prjVSAM_BPEL Sample Project on page65
Building and Deploying the prjVSAM_JCD Sample Project on page 92
7.1 About the VSAM eWay Sample Projects
The VSAM eWay VSAM_eWay_Sample.zip file contains two sample Projects that
provide basic instruction on using VSAM operations in the Java Collaboration
Definition (JCD), or the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Projects.
prjVSAM_JCD: demonstrates how to select, insert, update, and delete data from a
VSAM database using JCDs.
prjVSAM_BPEL: demonstrates how to select, insert, update, and delete data from
a VSAM database using a BPEL business process.
Both the prjVSAM_JCD and prjVSAM_BPEL sample Projects demonstrate how to:
Select employee records from the database using a prepared statement.
Select employee records from the CICSEMP table.