Chapter 2 Section 2.1
Installing the VSAM eWay Installing the VSAM eWay
VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 14 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7When prompted, restart the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to
complete the installation.
Copying JAR files to the eDesigner Library
The VSAM eWay SAR file no longer includes the WebSphere Information Integrator
Classic Federation JDBC Driver for VSAM databases. You are required to copy the
product’s JDBC JAR file (cacjdbc30.jar) to the following location prior to running a
VSAM project:
where <JavaCAPS51> is the directory where the Sun Java Composite Application
Platform Suite is installed.
Note: If eDesigner is running, it must be restarted to pickup the new JAR file.
Installing Third-Party Products
In order to run the VSAM eWay you must also install the IBM WebSphere Information
Integrator Classic Federation. The product is no longer shipped with the VSAM eWay.
For complete details on how to install the Classic Federation, see the IBM WebSphere
Information Integrator Installation Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event.
Important: When you install the Classic Federation, be sure to configure the properties for
VSAM. See the appropriate Federation documentation for details.
After Installation
Once you install the eWay, it must then be incorporated into a Project before it can
perform its intended functions. See the eGate Integrator User’s Guide for more
information on incorporating the eWay into an eGate Project.
2.1.2 Extracting the Sample Projects and Javadocs
The VSAM eWay includes sample Projects and Javadocs. The sample Projects are
designed to provide you with a basic understanding of how certain database
operations are performed using the eWay, while Javadocs provide a list of classes and
methods exposed in the eWay.
Steps to extract the Javadoc include:
1Click the Documentation tab of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite
Installer, then click the Add-ons tab.
2Click the VSAM eWay Adapter link. Documentation for the VSAM eWay appears
in the right pane.
3Click the icon next to Javadoc and extract the ZIP file.
4Open the index.html file to view the Javadoc.