CALibrationn:CONFigure:CURRent? configures the channel for current mode calibration and returns a 0 or 1 to indicate the channel’s readiness for calibration.
Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
Name | Type | Values |
CALibrationn | keyword | 1 to 8 or 1 to 16 | 1 |
Returns: an unsigned
Comments ∙ In the keyword, CALibrationn, the valid range of n is:
1 to 8 for | E1418A, E1418A Option 002 |
1 to 16 for | E1418A Option 001, E1418A Option 003. |
Values of n outside these ranges will generate an error.
∙This command is used together with the CALibrationn:VALue:CURRent? <value> query to perform current mode calibration.
∙The calibration is performed either at the CAL output terminals or at an individual channel. The choice is made using the DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE] command.
–When the DIAG:CAL:OUTP:MODE CALBus command (also the reset state) is used, the output relay routes the calibration current to the CAL output terminals (and opens all channel output terminals).
–When the DIAG:CAL:OUTP:MODE CHANnel command is used, the output relay routes the calibration current to the channel terminals (the CAL terminals are not connected).
The DIAG:CAL:OUTP:MODE command must be sent to the module before the
CALibrationn:CONFigure:CURRent? query.
∙This query will generate an error if the trigger system is waiting for a trigger event when this command is received.
∙This query returns a 0 to indicate that the channel is not ready for calibration, and a 1 to indicate the channel is ready for calibration.
∙This query is affected by the state of the program jumper for this channel on the terminal module. To use this command:
–the P/J jumper must be set to program selectable or, if set to jumper selectable,
–the V/I jumper must be set to the current mode. The jumpers are described on page 31.
∙Refer to Appendix D, “ Voltage/Current Output Adjustment” , starting on page 154, for additional information about this command.
∙Related Commands: CALibrationn:VALue:CURRent?, DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE]
Chapter 3 | HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference 71 |