STATus:OPERation:CONDition? returns the contents of the Operation Status
Condition Register. Reading the register does not affect its contents.
Parameters Returns:
Comments ∙ Bit 0 of this register (decimal 1) is the Calibrating bit. This bit is set when:
–the CALibration:CONFigure:RESistance?, CALibrationn:CONFigure:VOLTage?, or CALibrationn:CONFigure:CURRent? command has been received and,
–measurements with the corresponding CALibration:VALue:RESistance,
CALibrationn:VALue:VOLTage?, or CALibrationn:VALue:CURRent? commands are not complete.
∙*RST Condition: clears all conditions.
∙*CLS and STATus:PRESet do not affect bits in the Status Operation Condition Register.
STATus:OPERation:ENABle <mask> specifies which bits of the Operational Status Event Register are OR’d together to create the Operational Status bit (bit 7) in the Summary Register of the Status Byte.
Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
Name | Type | Values |
<mask> | numeric (int16) or | none | |
| |
Comments ∙ Only bit 0 (decimal 0) is used or defined in the Operation Register. Bit 0 is defined as the Calibrating bit. A 1 in this bit indicates the module is currently in the calibration mode.
∙*RST clears all conditions.
∙*CLS and STATus:PRESet do not affect bits in the Operation Status Condition Register.
96 HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference | Chapter 3 |