| The DIAGnostic subsystem contains commands used to check the module |
| configuration, enable or disable all outputs simultaneously, change a channel’s |
| mode without opening and closing the output relay, and check the state of the trigger |
| on all channels. |
Subsystem Syntax | DIAGnostic |
| :CALibration |
| :OUTPut |
| [:MODE] <path> |
| [:MODE]? |
| :CONFigure? |
| :OUTPut |
| :ALL |
| [:STATe] <state> |
| :SOURcen |
| :FUNCtion |
| :MODE <mode> |
| :TRIGgered? |
DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE] <path> sets the voltage calibration path for the module to either the CAL output terminals or at each output channel.
Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
Name | Type | Values |
<path> | discrete | CALBus or CHANnel | none |
Comments ∙ The typical calibration mode for the module is through the CAL output terminals. Following *RST or
∙This command with the CHANnel parameter, sets calibration to be performed at each channel’s output terminals (and so includes the channel output relay contacts).
∙This command must be sent before any CALibrationn:CONFigure:VOLTage? or
CALibrationn:CONFigure:CURRent? query.
∙*RST State: Calibration paths set to use the CAL output terminals.
76 HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference | Chapter 3 |