/* Send the trigger event | */ |
/* Channels 1 and 2 output the programmed voltages */
Note that the channels must be set for triggered output (using the SOURce subsystem) before the trigger system is changed to the
+3014 Illegal while initiated
Once the outputs have been triggered (using TRIGger:IMMediate in the previous example) the trigger system is set back to the trigger idle state. New triggered channel output values can be programmed and the trigger system put in the
Note Once an output is enabled and a voltage or current output, that value remains on the output. Sending subsequent SOURn:VOLT:TRIG or SOURn:CURR:TRIG commands will not change the output value until the trigger event is received. The output may be disabled (output relay opened) with the OUTPn OFF command.
The trigger source set using the TRIGger:SOURce command remains in effect until it is changed or a reset occurs. Following a reset (*RST) the trigger source is set to HOLD.
Chapter 2 | Programming Examples 55 |