Terminal Module Connections
Voltage and
Current Output
Each channel has four output lines; HI, LO, HS (Hi Sense), and LS (Low Sense). When using a channel in the voltage output mode, you can use the sense lines to increase accuracy or to compensate for long lead lengths. The sense leads are not used in the current output mode.
Figure 1-14 shows connections for three types of output. Channel 1 is connected in the 2-wire voltage output mode, the sense leads are not used (and the sense connections need not be made). Channel 2 is connected in the 4-wire voltage output mode. Use this connection for the highest voltage accuracy and to compensate for long lead lengths. Channel 3 is connected for current output mode (sense is not used for current output).
The sense leads are internally disconnected for current output. External wiring may be left connected to the sense outputs on the terminal module with no effect.
Figure 1-14. Typical Output Connections
Options A3E and A3H HI, HS, LO, and LS connections are shown on the diagram on page 30.
Chapter 1 | Module Setup and Installation 33 |