SCPI error checking is illustrated in the following program example. The SCPI error routine is named sys_error. Errors found are reported to the standard output device.




void main (void);



void err_handler(ViSession vi, ViStatus x);

/* VTL error routine


void sys_err(ViSession resource);

/* SCPI error routine








/** GLOBAL **/



ViStatus err;



ViSession defaultRM, cmd, dac;









void main (void)


/*** Open the resource manager, command module, and dac sessions ***/

viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);

viOpen (defaultRM, CMD_ADDRESS, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &cmd); viOpen(defaultRM, DAC_ADDRESS, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &dac);

/*** Set the timeout for the dac ***/

viSetAttribute(dac, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000); /* 10 second timeout */

err=viPrintf(dac, “*RST\n”);/* reset the dac */ if(err < VI_SUCCESS) err_handler(dac, err); /* VTL error check */

sys_err (dac);

/* SCPI error check */


/***VTL Error handling function ***/

void err_handler (ViSession dac, ViStatus err)


char buf[1024]={0}; viStatusDesc(dac,err,buf); printf(“VTL ERROR = %s\n”, buf); return;


/***End of VTL error handler ***/

48 Programming Examples

Chapter 2

Page 48
Image 48
HP E1418A manual Function Prototypes