STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle? returns the mask set for the Questionable Status Enable Register.
Parameters Returns:
STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? returns the value of the Questionable Status
Event Register. Reading the register clears all bits in the register.
Parameters Returns:
Comments ∙ Bit 8 of this register (decimal 256) is set when either:
–A channel is set to an output mode that has not been calibrated, or
–A channel fails the CALibration:TEST? query.
∙Bit 9 of this register (decimal 512) is set when a
∙*RST Condition: no effect.
∙*CLS clears the contents of the Questionable Status Register.
∙STATus:PRESet does not affect the contents of the Questionable Status Register, but does disable reporting the Summary bit to the Status Byte Register.
Chapter 3 | HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference 99 |