Configuration Example | 42 | |
APPLy Output | 45 | |
Error Checking | 47 | |
I/O Error Checking | 47 | |
SCPI Error Checking | 47 | |
SOURce Output | 50 | |
Setting the Output Mode | 52 | |
Controlling the Output Relay | 53 | |
Triggering | 54 | |
Using *OPC? | 56 | |
Combining Output Channels | 57 | |
Chapter 3. HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 59 |
Using This Chapter | 59 | |
Command Types | 59 | |
Common Command Format | 59 | |
SCPI Command Format | 60 | |
Linking Commands | 62 | |
SCPI Command Reference | 62 | |
ABORt | 63 | |
APPLy | 64 | |
APPLyn:CURRent | 64 | |
APPLyn:VOLTage | 65 | |
CALibration | 66 | |
CALibration:CONDition? | 67 | |
CALibration:CONFigure:RESistance? | 68 | |
CALibration:RESet | 68 | |
CALibration:STORe | 69 | |
CALibration:TEST? | 69 | |
CALibration:VALue:RESistance | 70 | |
CALibrationn:CONFigure:CURRent? | 71 | |
CALibrationn:CONFigure:VOLTage? | 72 | |
CALibrationn:VALue:CURRent? | 73 | |
CALibrationn:VALue:VOLTage? | 74 | |
DIAGnostic | 76 | |
DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE] | 76 | |
DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE]? | 77 | |
DIAGnostic:CONFigure? | 77 | |
DIAGnostic:OUTPut:ALL[:STATe] | 78 | |
DIAGnostic:SOURcen:FUNCtion:MODE | 78 | |
DIAGnostic:TRIGgered? | 79 | |
INITiate | 80 | |
INITiate[:IMMediate] | 80 | |
OUTPut | 81 | |
OUTPut:TTLTrgn[:STATe] | 81 | |
OUTPut:TTLTrgn[:STATe]? | 82 | |
OUTPutn[:STATe] | 82 | |
OUTPutn[:STATe]? | 83 | |
SOURce | 84 |
2 HP E1418A