HP E1418A Command Quick Reference
HP E1418A Command Quick Reference
The following table summarizes commands for the HP E1418A.
| Command | Description | |
APPLyn | :CURRent | <value MIN MAX DEF> | Closes the output relay and outputs a current on the |
| specified channel, n. |
| :VOLTage | <value MIN MAX DEF> | Closes the output relay and outputs a voltage on the |
| specified channel, n. |
| |
CALibration | :CONDition? | Queries the module type and calibration status. The query | |
| returns four |
| :CONFigure:RESistance? | Configures the module to perform calibration of the internal | |
| calibration resistor and returns a 0 or 1 indicating the readiness |
| of the module. |
| :RESet |
| Reloads, for module use, the calibration constants stored in |
| |
| :STORe |
| Loads the |
| presently in use by the module. |
| :TEST? |
| Performs an internal check of the calibration of each |
| channel and returns an integer indicating the channel |
| calibration condition. |
| :VALue:RESistance <value> | Sets a new internal calibration resistor constant used by the | |
| module for current output. |
CALibrationn | :CONFigure:CURRent? | Configures the channel for current mode calibration and | |
| returns a 0 or 1 to indicate the channel’s readiness for |
| calibration. |
| :CONFigure:VOLTage? | Configures the channel for voltage mode calibration and | |
| returns a 0 or 1 to indicate the channel’s readiness for |
| calibration. |
| :VALue:CURRent? <value> | Enters a measured calibration value and returns a value | |
| indicating the current state of the calibration. |
| :VALue:VOLTage? <value> | Enters a measured calibration value and returns a value | |
| indicating the current state of the calibration. |
| |
DIAGnostic | :CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE] | Sets the voltage calibration path for the module to either the | |
| <CALBus CHANnel> | CAL output terminals or each output channel. |
| :CALibration:OUTPut[:MODE]? | Queries the voltage calibration path for the module. | |
| :CONFigure? | Returns six | |
| the module. |
| :OUTPut:ALL[:STATe] <OFF ON> | Opens or closes all channel output relays at once. | |
| :SOURcen:FUNCtion:MODE | Changes the output mode of the channel without disabling | |
| <CURRent VOLTage> | the channel output. |
| :TRIGgered? | Returns a | |
| the module. |
Chapter 3 | HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference 107 |