APPLy Output
The APPLyn subsystem commands provide the easiest method to output voltages or currents.
/* Set channel 1 for 5.0 Volt output */
APPLy1:VOLTage 5.000
/* Channel is set to voltage output and 5.000 V applied */ /* Set channel 8 for 10 mA output */
APPLy8:CURRent 0.0100
/* Channel is set to current output and 10 mA applied */
The APPLyn subsystem outputs the voltage or current specified on the channel specified immediately. The output relay for that channel is closed. Other channel outputs and output states are not disturbed.
An APPLyn subsystem command performs several actions with a single command. Each APPLyn command affects a single channel and:
–Sets the channel output mode (voltage or current).
–Sets the output value (volts or amps).
–Enables the outputs (closes the output relay).
The output channel remains enabled, and outputs the last programmed voltage or current value, unless you take explicit action to turn off the output. For example, if you send two APPLyn commands to the same channel, the first command sets an output value and closes the output relay. The second command changes only the output value (since the relay is already closed).
/* Set channel 1 for 5.0 Volt output */
APPLy1:VOLTage 5.000
/* Channel 1 is set to voltage output and 5.000 V applied */ /* Now set channel 1 for 6.0 Volt output */
APPLy1:VOLTage 6.000
/* Channel 1 is set to voltage output and 6.000 V applied */
The commands above will set a 5.000 Volt output on Channel 1, and then set a 6.000 Volt output on channel 1. The output relay is not affected by the second command.
Chapter 2 | Programming Examples 45 |