| The OUTPut subsystem provides commands to open or close the output relay on |
| each channel and to enable the module to output the selected trigger source on one |
| of the VXIbus TTL trigger lines. |
Subsystem Syntax | OUTPut |
| :TTLTrgn |
| [:STATe] <state> |
| [:STATe]? |
| OUTPutn |
| [:STATe] <state> |
| [:STATe]? |
OUTPut:TTLTrgn[:STATe] <state> specifies which VXIbus TTLTRG line is enabled to source a VXIbus trigger when the module is triggered.
Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
Name | Type | Values |
TTLTrgn | keyword | 0 to 7 | none |
<state> | boolean | OFF ON 0 1 | 0 |
Comments ∙ VXIbus TTLTRG lines are numbered from 0 to 7. Only one line can be enabled at a time.
∙If a different line is already enabled when this command is received, a settings conflict error is reported.
∙This command sources a trigger from the module. The TRIGger:SOURce TTLTn command programs the module to accept triggers from the VXIbus TTLTRG lines. The module can be programmed to both accept and source triggers on the VXIbus TTLTRG lines but the source TTLTRG line and the accepted TTLTRG line must be different.
∙This command should be sent before the TRIGger:SOURce TTLTn command.
∙*RST Condition: All lines disabled.
∙Related Commands: TRIGger:SOURce TTLTn, OUTPut:TTLTn[:STATe]?
Chapter 3 | HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference 81 |