Current Adjustment Current output uses an internal resistance value to calibrate all channels. This resistance value is approximately 244 Ω.
Note You may also use an external resistance value on each channel for current output calibration. If you wish to specify an external resistor value, you must send the DIAGnostic:CALibration:OUTPut CHANnel command and perform the adjustment at each channel output. Any resistor value may be used but values in the range of 50 Ω to 500 Ω are recommended.
To set the internal resistance value use the following CALibration commands:
The resistance value set, either internal or external, is not stored.
When using the internal resistor value, the general procedure is:
1.Make the connections shown in Figure
2.Send the CALibration:CONFigure:RESistance? query to the module and read the response until a 1 is returned (typically the first query response).
3.Read the resistance on the DMM.
4.Send the DMM value read to the module using the
CALibration:VALue:RESistance command.
The resistor value is only set once for current calibration of all channels.
If you are using an external resistor value, for each channel:
1.Send the CALibration:CONFigure:RESistance? query to the module and read the response until a 1 is returned (typically the first query response).
2.Measure the channel’s exte rnal resistor value on the DMM.
3.Send the DMM value read to the module using the
CALibration:VALue:RESistance command.
159 Voltage/Current Output Adjustment | Appendix D |