
STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? returns the value of the Questionable Status Condition Register. Reading the register does not affect its contents. Since only two bits are used in the HP E1418A and both those bits are defined to be events, this command always returns 0 and is included for compatibility purposes.

Parameters Returns: 16-bit signed integer (int16).

Comments Bit 8 of this register (decimal 256) indicates the calibration condition. Bit 9 of this register (decimal 512) indicates the trigger-ignored event.

*RST Condition: clears all conditions.

*CLS and STATus:PRESet do not affect bits in the Questionable Status Condition Register.


STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <mask> specifies which bits of the Questionable Event Register are OR’d together to create the Questionable Data bit (bit 3) in the Status Byte Summary Register.




Range of











numeric (int16) or

-32768 to +32767 or #H0000 to #HFFFF



non-decimal numeric







Comments Only bits 8 and 9 of the Questionable Data Register are used or defined. Bit 8 indicates a questionable calibration and bit 9 indicates a trigger was ignored.

Either bit 8 or bit 9 can be used to generate an SRQ interrupt. Use the *SRE <mask> common command to set the enable mask for the Status Byte Register to include the Questionable Data bit (bit 3) in the Request for Service bit (bit 6). The request for Service bit (bit 6) is used to generate the SRQ interrupt.

The non-decimal numeric forms are the #H, #Q, or #B formats specified by IEEE-488.2.

*RST clears all conditions.

*CLS and STATus:PRESet do not affect bits in the Questionable Status Condition Register.

98 HP E1418A SCPI Command Reference

Chapter 3

Page 98
Image 98
HP E1418A manual STATus STATusQUEStionableCONDition?, STATusQUEStionableENABle