Planning and Implementation Overview

The dock manager and/or facilities manager and Sun customer service manager identify any special shipping requirements, and notify the Sun manufacturing group as needed.

The Sun sales representative completes and submits the equipment sales order, in- cluding all necessary cabling and spare parts.

The network administrator and data center manager select appropriate personnel for VSM5 system training, targeting completion for no later than one week before deliv- ery of equipment.

3.One month before the scheduled delivery date for the VSM5 system equipment:

The network administrator, data center manager, and Sun sales representative verify that all required components in the specified configuration, and all cables of the re- quired length, have been ordered.

The Sun customer service manager reconfirms the scheduled system delivery date with the Sun manufacturing facility.

The facilities manager verifies compliance of input power systems and power cabling in the data center. See “Site Power Distribution Systems” on page 4-49.

The facilities manager verifies environmental compliance and HVAC systems readi- ness in the delivery, staging, and installation areas.

The site engineer and structural engineer verify floor loading compliance along the delivery path and at the data center installation location. See “Floor Construction Re- quirements” and “Floor Loading Requirements” on page 4-52.

The Sun customer services manager identifies which Sun personnel will perform the VSM5 system installation at the customer site.

4.Two weeks before the scheduled delivery date for the VSM5 system equipment:

The Sun sales representative verifies that all parts and bills of material (BOM) have been delivered to the site to allow hardware and software conversions and feature changes in previously-installed equipment.

The facilities manager and Sun customer service manager verify the delivery dock and data center personnel, and Sun CSEs who will be available to accept delivery of the system equipment, and assist in unpackaging, point-to-point transfer, and instal- lation of system equipment.

The facilities manager, data center manager, and Sun customer service manager agree on firm dates and timeframes for delivery, installation, certification, and opera- tional testing of system equipment.


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Sun Microsystems 96257 manual