Site Readiness Planning | 4 |
This chapter provides information about activities designed to ensure the site is equipped to accommodate the power, safety, environmental, HVAC, and data handling requirements of VSM5 system equipment.
Table 4-1.Site Readiness Planning Overview
Key | Key | Key Participants |
• Select site readiness team members, | • Verify site power, safety, environmen- |
and define roles and responsibilities. | tal, HVAC, and data handling capabili- |
• Complete site surveys to: | ties match |
- Document existing or potential exter- | • Define plan to eliminate/mitigate envi- |
nal and internal environmental haz- | ronmental hazards. |
ards | • Evaluate floor load ratings along transit |
- Assess site power, safety, environ- | path and at the | • Customer: site engineer; fa- |
mental, HVAC, and data handling ca- | tion location. | cilities manager; data center |
pabilities versus VSM5 system re- | • Verify site door, hall and ceiling clear- | manager; network adminis- |
quirements | ances, elevator capacity, ramp angles, | trator |
- Confirm floor load ratings along the | etc. match | • Sun: technical support spe- |
transit path and at the installation lo- | • Identify required infrastructure modifi- | cialist; systems engineer |
cation for | cations/upgrades; set work completion |
- Assess ceiling, hallway, and door | schedule. |
clearances, elevator capacities, and | • Evaluate readiness progress, and certi- |
ramp angles versus | fy site readiness. |
cabinet requirements. | • Complete applicable Appendix D work- |
• Attend planning meetings. | sheets. |
Key site readiness planning considerations include, but are not limited to:
•Site surveys to evaluate and eliminate or mitigate factors which could negatively affect delivery, installation, and operation of VSM5 system equipment.
•A plan for the layout and location of VSM5 system equipment and cabling that allows for efficient use and easy maintenance, plus adequate space and facilities for Sun support personnel and their equipment.
•Facilities construction that provides an optimum operating environment for VSM5 sys- tem equipment and personnel, as well as safe flooring and protection from fire, flooding, contamination, and other potential hazards.
•Scheduling of key events and task completion dates for facilities upgrades, personnel training, and delivery, implementation, installation, testing, and certification activities.
Customers ultimately are responsible for ensuring that their site is physically prepared to receive and operate VSM5 system equipment, and that the site meets the minimum spec- ifications for equipment operation as detailed in this guide.
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| Revision A |