support facility. VTSS functionality provided by ISP cards and support facility software that enables human interface with a VTSS for monitoring, communication, and testing.

synchronous. (1) Synchronized by a common timing signal. (2) Occurring with a regular or predictable time re- lationship. Synchronous transmissions send strings of data characters at regular intervals without the need for start and stop bits required for asynchronous transmis- sions, making them faster than asynchronous transmis- sions. Contrast with asynchronous.

system engineer (SE). A person who works with cus- tomers and marketing representatives to provide system solutions to customer needs and requirements.


tape drive.An electromagnetic mechanical device that provides physical data storage on magnetic tape media.

TB. See terabyte.

terabyte (TB). A unit of data capacity equal to 1000 gi- gabytes or 1,000,000 megabytes.

TMS. Tape Management System.

track. A channel where information is stored on magnet- ic or optical media. On magnetic disk media, tracks are defined in concentric rings. A combination of two or more sectors on a single disk media track makes a cluster or block, the minimum unit used to store information. On magnetic tape media, tracks run parallel to the length of the tape, or diagonally for helical scan tracks.

tray. A part of the physical location designator for each FRU in a unit. See unit.tray.slot.

TUV. Technischer Ueberwachungsverein (TUV). A Ger- man regulatory association.


UL. Underwriters Laboratory. A U.S. non-government lab that certifies electrical product safety.

unavailable partition. In VSM, a partition state of VTSS disk devices that are unavailable for storage of user data because the devices are not installed or have failed.

Contrast with media acceptance test partition, production partition, spares partition.

unidirectional. In only one direction; referring to a data channel that only transmits one way.

uninstall. To remove installed software or hardware from a system and restore modifications made to files.

unit. A part of the physical location designator for each FRU in a unit. See unit.tray.slot.

unit.tray.slot (U.T.S). In VTSS, an abbreviated label that designates the precise physical location of a FRU.

Unix. A multi-user, multitasking operating system written in C programming language and used on mainframes and workstations. There are multiple versions of Unix for use on different platforms. See also AIX, Linux.

upgrade. A nondisruptive addition of function or capacity to a VTSS. Contrast with conversion.

upload. To transmit files or data from one storage device or computer to another. Contrast with download.

UPS. uninterruptible power supply. A device that sup- plies auxiliary power to a system to ensure continuity of

operation in case the primary power supply (typically provided by a local utility company) is interrupted. Hav- ing a UPS as a backup power source allows time to save files and shut down systems in an orderly manner as needed, thereby avoiding the possible data loss that can result from a rapid and unanticipated loss of power.

URL. uniform resource locator, a.k.a. Internet address or Web address.The standardized addressing or naming system used for locating web sites over the Internet.

user programming interface. In VTSS, a software in- terface between a user application program and ExPR.

UTC. Universal Time Coordinated, a.k.a. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The mean solar time of the meridian of Greenwich, England, used as the basis for calculating standard time throughout the world.

U.T.S. See unit.tray.slot.


VAC. Volts AC.

VCF. VSM4-VTSS Iceberg Channel FICON card.

VCU. See Virtual Control Unit.

VDE. Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker. The German counterpart of Underwriters Laboratory (UL).

VIP. Virtual Initialization Program. In VSM4, a proprietary software program contained on a floppy disk that en- ables the installation of approved system release level (SRL) microcode.

virtual address. A memory location in a system that us- es virtual memory; when an application program needs the data at that location, it is paged in and accessed by means of an address in physical memory.

virtual control unit. In VSM, a software image that logi- cally presents itself as a physical control unit. Each virtu- al control unit appears to be an independent physical control unit, although all virtual control units common to a single physical control unit share the same facilities and physical paths. VSM4-VTSS presents up to 16 virtual control unit images to 1 to 28 hosts.

virtualization. Software capability in a storage sub- system that presents the storage capacity of multiple physical devices to a host operating system as a single ‘virtual’ storage device, enabling the host to use that storage more efficiently.

VM. Virtual machine. (1) A computer or storage system that does not exist as a separate physical device, but is instead simulated by another computer or system. (2) A virtual data processing system in which multiple operat- ing systems and programs can be run by a computer at the same time. Each user appears to have an indepen- dent computer with its own input and output devices.

VSM. Virtual Storage Manager. A storage system devel- oped by Sun StorageTek that virtualizes tape volumes and transports in a disk buffer to improve capacity-utiliza- tion rates of tape media and tape transports, and to im- prove data retrieval speeds. VSM hardware includes VTSS(s) and RTDs; VSM software includes VTCS and VTSS microcode. By providing an image of a single, consolidated pool of tape storage to a host, VSM pro- vides performance and data-management advantages over physical tape products, without requiring application changes.

VSMAT. Virtual Storage Manager Administration Tool. VSMRL. Virtual Storage Manager Remote Library.


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