28 Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide December 2003
Screen Border Color
Youhave the option of setting the color of the icon area, the softbutton area (non-
paintable areas), and the device menu. Screen background color is used if this
value is not defined. The color is definedas a hexadecimal integer according to the
standardJava color map. That is, the integer has the form RRGGBB, where RR, GG,
and BB are the red, green and blue components of the color,respectively. For
example, white would be 0xffffff and red would be 0xff0000. The screen
border color is defined with the property screenBorderColor.
For example:
screenBorderColor = 0xb6b6aa
Touch Screen
Youcan define whether or not your device should respond to mouse activity on its
screen. This is done by defining a propertytouch_screen to be either true or
For example, setting
touch_screen = true
causes the device to respond to mouse activity on its screen.
The default value is:
touch_screen = false
Note – Youonly see the effect of the touch_screen property in MIDlets that are
specifically written for touch screens, such as the PushPuzzle demonstration
game included with the J2ME WirelessToolkit. The user interface widgets in the
Default Emulator do not respond to touch screen events (for example, you cannot
select an item from a list by clicking on it with the mouse.)
Screen Buffering
By default, output from a MIDlet to the screen is buffered,so the screen is not
updated every time the application draws a line or writes some text. Instead, when
the application is ready,it signals MIDP that its drawing operations are complete,
and only then is the screen updated.
Tosee screen updates happen immediately, use the following entry:
screenDoubleBuffer = false
Use this entry if you want your applications to perform fewer drawing operations,
or if you are emulating a device that does not buffer screen output.