12 Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide December 2003
button.7 = 21, 384, 41, 22
button.8 = 65, 384, 41, 22
button.9 = 111, 384, 41, 22
button.POUND = 110, 417, 41, 22
button.ASTERISK = 21, 417, 41, 22
button.SEND = 25, 295, 32, 17
button.END = 114, 295, 32, 17
button.LEFT = 37, 254, 26, 26
button.RIGHT = 114, 253, 23, 27
button.UP = 69, 232, 35, 22
button.SELECT = 65, 257, 43, 23
button.DOWN = 70, 284, 34, 21
button.UP.1 = 4, 87, 10, 18
button.DOWN.1 = 4, 189, 10, 20
button.SOFT1 = 29, 228, 33, 20
button.SOFT2 = 112, 227, 32, 20
button.POWER = 33, 52, 18, 10
Obtain and Enter Soft Button LabelAreas
1. By measuring the image file, obtain the soft button properties.
NewPhone has two soft buttons—similar to the DefaultColorPhone. Their label
areas are displayed in the area of the screenthat is available to icons. This area is
not directly accessible to the application. FIGURE 3 on page 13 shows the soft
button labels Undo and Menu on the lower part of the device screen.
Note – See Chapter 3, “Examining Device Property Files” for information on how
to define devices with different numbers of soft buttons.