Support for ByteCode Obfuscators
TheWireless Toolkit contains a support framework for bytecode obfuscators. It also
includes a plug-in for this framework for the ProGuard and Retroguardbytecode
obfuscators. Youcan use a bytecode obfuscator other than ProGuard or
RetroGuard, however,you must manually implement the plug-in for it. This
appendix describes the implementation procedure.
Adding a ByteCode Obfuscator
Toplug in a bytecode obfuscator of your choice into the Wireless Toolkit’s
packaging process, you must follow these steps:
1. Write your own Java class that implements the
com.sun.kvem.environment.Obfuscator interface.
The class file for this interface is located in the {j2mewtk.dir}\wtklib\kenv.zip
file. The implementation class needs to implement the following two interface
createScriptFile(File jadFilename, File projectDir)