30 Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide December 2003
x: The x-coordinate of the left edge of the button image, in pixels relative to the
left edge of the device image
y: The y-coordinate of the top edge of the button image, in pixels relative to the
top edge of the device image
width: The width of the button image, in pixels
height: The height of the button image, in pixels.
For example,
button.LEFT = 13, 197, 20, 20
For the second form (polygonal), the definitions for button_name, x, and yare the
sameas for the rectangular form. The polygonal form can consist of multiple points
definedby x and y coordinates. A minimum of three sets of x and y coordinates are
required to use this form.
For example, if the LEFT button were polygonal, it could have the following
button.LEFT = 166, 420, 143, 432, 143, 406
The button location and dimensions are used for two purposes:
Todefine the active region in which a mouse click is interpreted as a button
Todefine the region of the device image that is used to show graphic effects on
device buttons.
The region for each button should be defined to be large enough to cover the
button's area on all three device images. However,be careful not to allow the
buttons' regions to overlap each other.
The button coordinates are shown in FIGURE6.