iv Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide December 2003
3. Examining Device Property Files 17
Device Property Files 18
Main Device Property File 19
Fonts 19
Fonts Used by the MIDP APIs 19
Default Font 20
System Fonts 20
Bitmap Fonts 20
Font Underlining 22
The Device Image 22
Image without Buttons Pressed 23
Image with Buttons Pressed 23
Image with Buttons Highlighted and Backlight On 23
Scaling 23
Screen Properties 24
Screen Location 25
Total Screen Size 26
Display Area 26
Display Area in Full Screen Mode 26
Screen Pixel Ratio 27
Screen Background Color 27
Screen Border Color 28
Touch Screen 28
Screen Buffering 28
Device Buttons 29
Keyboard Handler 29
Defining a Device Button 29
Assigning a PC Keyboard Key to a Button 31
Assigning a Game Action to a Button 32
Specifying the Characters Generated by a Button Press 32