26 Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide December 2003
screen.x = <horizontal distance in pixels>
screen.y = <vertical distance in pixels>
For example:
screen.x = 38
screen.y = 82
Total Screen Size
Referringto the left image in FIGURE 5 on page 25, you specify the total screen size
by two lines of the form:
screen.width = <horizontal distance in pixels>
screen.height = <vertical distance in pixels>
For example:
screen.width = 96
screen.height = 128
Display Area
Referring to the right image in FIGURE5, the display area (or Paintable Region) is
that part of the screen that is available to applications. The remainderof the screen
is for icons and soft button labels.
The coordinates of the display area are relativeto the screen location.
Youcan specify the display area used by the application to be a subregion of the
screen by four lines of the form:
screenPaintableRegion.x = <horizontal distance to display area>
screenPaintableRegion.y = <vertical distance to display area>
screenPaintableRegion.width = <width of display area>
screenPaintableRegion.height = <height of display area>
For example:
screenPaintableRegion.x = 4
screenPaintableRegion.y = 8
screenPaintableRegion.width = 88
screenPaintableRegion.height = 100
Note – If you do not specify the paintable region, the entire screen is used by an
Display Area in Full Screen Mode
The MIDP 2.0 specification allows applications to use the full screen area.