1.Set the following driver parameters to the values that are described in the documentation that shipped with your link partner (for example, a switch):








See TABLE 3-5for the descriptions and possible values of these parameters.

Note – According to IEEE 802.3 specifications, when using 1000 Mbit/sec speed over copper media, autonegotiation is not optional. In the absence of autonegotiation, (for example, while using Forced mode), link syncing between link partners may not happen and the link may not come up.

2.Set the adv-autoneg-capparameter to 0.

#ndd -set /dev/ipge adv-autoneg-cap 0

When you change any ndd link parameter, a message similar to the following is displayed:

xcvr addr:0x00 - link up 100 Mbps full duplex

Setting Parameters Using the ipge.conf File

Specify the driver parameter properties for each device by creating a ipge.conf file in the /kernel/drv directory. Use a ipge.conf file when you need to set a particular parameter for a device in the system. The parameters you can set are the read and write parameters listed in “Sun PCI-Express Dual Gigabit Ethernet Device Driver Parameters” on page 34.

The man pages for prtconf(1M) and driver.conf(4) include additional details. The next procedure shows an example of setting parameters in a ipge.conf file.

To access any man page, type the man command plus the name of the man page. For example, to access man pages for prtconf(1M), type:

%man prtconf

26 Sun PCI-Express Dual Gigabit Ethernet MMF/UTP Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2006

Page 60
Image 60
Sun Microsystems Gigabit Ethernet MMF/UTP Adapter manual Setting Parameters Using the ipge.conf File, Man prtconf