Example Code
The following examples are written in MS Visual Basic V3 for Windows using the
serial communications control (MSCOMM.VBX). It can be used as a guide in
implementing iPort/AFM interface programs in other programming languages and
operating environments.
Note: This example code is available online at: http://www.mcc-us.com/202ug.htm#ExampleCode.
iPort/AFM Reset
Comm1.Output = Chr$(18) 'Ctrl/R
Comm1.Output = Chr$(18) 'Ctrl/R
Comm1.Output = Chr$(18) 'Ctrl/R
iPort/AFM Initialization
Comm1.Output = "/f0" 'Set iPort/AFM XON/XOFF Flow Control
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13)
Comm1.Output = "/i70" 'Set iPort/AFMs Own Slave Address
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13)
Comm1.Output = "/d4e" 'Set Destination Slave Address
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13)
Comm1.Output = "/o" 'Open I2C Connection
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13)
Master Transmit Message
Comm1.Output = "/T~00~01" 'Send Master Tx Command
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13) 'Terminate Command
Master Receive Message
Comm1.Output = "/R10" 'Send Master Rx Command
Comm1.Output = Chr$(13) 'Terminate Command
Communication Event Processing
Static Sub Comm1_OnComm ()
Static LineBuf$
While Comm1.InBufferCount
Msg$ = Comm1.Input ' Get Comm input character
CharIn$ = Msg$