Slave Transmit Message
This command should be issued to iPort/AFM in response to a Slave Transmit
Request (/STR). This command causes iPort/AFM to write the specified data bytes
to the requesting I2C Master Receiver device.
Enter Message Bytes (1 or more Printable ASCII or Hex-equivalent ~00..~FF), then
Press Enter, or ESCape to Cancel.
Note 1: Upon receiving a Slave Transmit request from a Master Receiver device on
the I2C Bus, iPort/AFM outputs a Slave Transmit Request to its Host device, and
initiates an I2C Clock Stretch (SCL Low) until a Slave Transmit Text command is
received from the Host computer. While clock stretching, no other messages can be
transmitted on the I2C Bus.
Note 2: The tilde (~) character and the Carriage Return (CR) character are used as
special marker characters within all iPort/AFM transmit text messages. These
characters may not be used within the text of a message, but must be replaced by the
following "Hex equivalent" characters:
Tilde replaced by "~7E"
Carriage Return replaced by "~0D"
iPort/AFM automatically translates "Hex equivalent" characters to their single-byte
value for transmission across the I2C Bus.
All entered data bytes are transmitted to the requesting Master Receiver device.
Slave Transmit stops upon receiving the first negative acknowledgment (Nack) from
the Master Receiver.
Command: /Stext[CR] 'Slave Transmit Message
Response 1: /STC[CR] 'Slave Transmit Complete
Response 2: /I88[CR] 'iPort Connection Not Open
Response 3: /I8A[CR] Slave Transmit Request Not Active, Cmd Ignored
Default Setting: None
/Sabcd1234[CR] ASCII Printable characters "abcd1234"
/S~00~01~02[CR] Binary data bytes 00, 01,02