AP-5131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
between two end points. ESP can also be used in tunnel mode, providing security like that
of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
GRE - General Routing Encapsulation supports VPNs across the Internet. GRE is a
mechanism for encapsulating network layer protocols over any other network layer protocol.
Such encapsulation allows routing of IP packets between private IP networks across an
Internet using globally assigned IP addresses.
6.10.2 Configuring Advanced Subnet Access
Use the Advanced Subnet Access screen to configure complex access rules and filtering based on
source port, destination port, and transport protocol. To enable advanced subnet access, the subnet
access rules must be overridden. However, the Advanced Subnet Access screen allows you to import
existing subnet access rules into the advanced subnet access rules.
To configure AP-5131 Advanced Subnet Access:
1. Select Network Configuration -> Firewall -> Advanced Subnet Access from the
AP-5131 menu tree.