Hardware Installation 2-15
e. Plug the power adapter into an outlet.
9. Verify the behavior of the AP-5131 LEDs. For more information, see LED Indicators on page
The AP-5131 is ready to configure. For information on an AP-5131 default configuration, see
Getting Started on page 3-1. For specific details on AP-5131 system configurations, see
System Configuration on page 4-1.
2.7.3 Suspended Ceiling T-Bar InstallationsA suspended ceiling mount requires holding the AP-5131 up against the T-bar of a suspended ceiling
grid and twisting the AP-5131 chassis onto the T-bar.
The mounting hardware and tools (customer provided) required to install the AP-5131 on a ceiling T-
bar consists of:
• Safety wire (recommended)
• Security cable (optional)
To install the AP-5131 on a ceiling T-bar:
1. If required, loop a safety wire —with a diameter of at least 1.01 mm (.04 in.), but no more
than 0.158 mm (.0625 in.) —through the tie post (above the AP-5131’s console connector)
and secure the loop.
2. If required, install and attach a security cable to the AP-5131 lock port.
3. Attach the radio antennae to their correct connectors.
NOTE If the AP-5131 is utilizing remote management antennae, a wire cover
can be used to provide a clean finished look to the installation. Contact
Symbol for more information.
CAUTION Both the Dual and Single Radio model AP-5131s use RSMA type
antenna connectors. On the Dual Radio AP-5131, a single dot on the
antenna connector indicates the primary antenna for both Radio 1 (2.4
GHz) and Radio 2 (5.2 GHz). Two dots designate the secondary
antenna for both Radio 1 and Radio 2. On Single Radio models, a
single dot on the antenna connector indicates the primary antenna for
Radio 1, and two dots designate the secondary antenna for Radio 1