Command Line Interface Reference 8-139
8.4.3 System Certificate Management CommandsAP5131>admin(system)>cmgrDescription:
Displays the Certificate Manager submenu. The items available under this command include:
genreq Generates a Certificate Request.
delself Deletes a Self Certificate.
loadself Loads a Self Certificate signed by CA.
listself Lists the self certificate loaded.
loadca Loads trusted certificate from CA.
delca Deletes the trusted certificate.
listca Lists the trusted certificate loaded.
showreq Displays a certificate request in PEM format.
delprivkey Deletes the private key.
listprivkey Lists names of private keys.
expcert Exports the certificaqte file.
impcert Imports the certificate file.
.. Goes to the parent menu.
/Goes to the root menu.
save Saves the configuration to system flash.
quit Quits the CLI.