Command Line Interface Reference
The AP-5131 Command Line Interface (CLI) is accessed through the serial port or a Telnet session. The
AP-5131 CLI follows the same conventions as the Web-based user interface. The CLI does, however,
provide an “escape sequence” to provide diagnostics for problem identification and resolution.
The AP-5131 CLI treats the following as invalid characters:
| " & , \ ' < >
In order to avoid problems when using the AP-5131 CLI, these characters should be avoided.

8.1 Connecting to the CLI

8.1.1 Accessing the CLI through the Serial Port

To connect to the AP-5131 CLI through the serial port:
1. Connect one end of a null modem serial cable to the AP-5131’s serial connector.
2. Attach the other end of the null modem serial cable to the serial port of a PC running
HyperTerminal or a similar emulation program.
3. Set the HyperTerminal program to use 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow
control, and auto-detect for terminal emulation.
4. Press <ESC> or <Enter> to enter into the CLI.
5. Enter the default username of admin and the default password of symbol. If this is your first
time logging into the AP-5131, you are unable to access any of the AP-5131’s commands until
the country code is set. A new password will also need to be created.