AP-5131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
7.2 Viewing LAN StatisticsUse the LAN Stats screen to monitor the activity of the AP-5131 LAN1 or LAN2 connection. The
Information field of the LAN Stats screen displays network traffic information as monitored over the
AP-5131 LAN1 or LAN2 port. The Received and Transmitted fields of the screen display statistics
for the cumulative packets, bytes, and errors received and transmitted over the LAN1 or LAN2 port
since it was last enabled or the AP-5131 was last restarted. The LAN Stats screen is view-only with
no user configurable data fields.
To view AP-5131 LAN connection stats:
1. Select Status and Statistics -> LAN Stats -> LAN1 Stats (or LAN2 Stats) from the
AP-5131 menu tree.
2. Refer to the Information field to view the following AP-5131 device address information:
LAN Interface Displays whether this particular LAN has been enabled as viable
AP-5131 subnet from within the LAN Configuration screen.
IP Address The Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for the AP-5131 LAN port.