AP-5131 Access Point Product Reference Guide8-160
AP5131>admin(system.snmp.traps)> set
Sets SNMP trap parameters.
For information on configuring SNMP traps using the applet (GUI), see Configuring Specific SNMP Traps on page 4-28.
set mu-assoc enable/disable Enables/disables the MU associated trap.
mu-unassoc enable/disable Enables/disables the MU unassociated trap.
mu-deny-assoc enable/disable Enables/disables the MU association denied trap.
mu-deny-auth enable/disable Enables/disables the MU authentication denied trap.
snmp-auth enable/disable Enables/disables the authentication failure trap.
snmp-acl enable/disable Enables/disables the SNMP ACL violation trap.
port enable/disable Enables/disables the physical port status trap.
dos-attack enable/disable Enables/disables the denial of service trap.
interval <rate> Sets denial of service trap interval.
cold enable/disable Enables/disables the system cold start trap.
cfg enable/disable Enables/disables a configuration changes trap.
rogue-ap enable/disable Enables/disables a trap when a rogue-ap is detected.
ap-radar enable/disable Enables/disables the AP Radar Detection trap.
wpa-counter enable/disable Enables/disables the WPA counter measure trap.
hotspot-mu-statusenable/disable Enables/disab les the hotspot mu status trap.
vlan enable/disable Enables/disables VLAN traps.
lan-monitor enable/disable Enables/disables LAN monitor traps.
rate <rate> <scope> <value> Sets the particular <rate> to monitor to <value> given the
indicated <scope>. See table below for information on the
possible values for <rate>, <scope>, and <value>.
min-pkt <pkt> Sets the minimum number of packets required for rate traps
to fire (1-65535).