4 – Features and their functions—Display
TAL (OPTICAL) – OUTPUTS – MD terminals]. Even when the power is turned off, the pitch control ON/OFF setting is retained.
cKEYBOARD connector An IBM PC- compatible keyboard with PS/2 interface can be con-
nected to this terminal to enable certain operations of the
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| R |
W | T Y |
E | U I |
O P A | S | DF G |
This display shows various types of operation infor- mation, including CD and MD disc information, deck operation modes, and menu status. Disc and deck information for either CD and MD are shown by pressing either the CD key or the MD key, and the deck selected becomes the display master. Also, the CD Menu key or the MD Menu key can be pressed to call up the CD Menu or the MD Menu.
mA. TRACK This lights when the display mas- ter deck’s Auto Track function is on.
nMeter This displays the playback level or either the CD or MD deck, as well as the recording level of the MD deck.
dTOC When the most recent TOC (Table of Contents) data has not been recorded, this lights up red. During TOC recording, the indicator flashes.
eTrack number display During playback or selection, the track number is displayed.
fMP3 This indicator is lit when and MP3 disc is in the CD deck.
gMD recording mode display (LP2, LP4, MONO) This indicates the recording mode of the MiniDisc. If the disc was recorded in Normal mode, it does not light up.
hCounter display Depending on the time display mode, TOTAL or REMAIN are lit. Counter display indication is in minutes (three digits) and sec- onds (two digits).
iKEY This lights when the CD deck’s Key Change function is on.
jPITCH This lights when the display master deck’s Pitch Control function is on.
kA. CUE This lights when the display master deck’s Auto Cue function is on.
lA. READY This lights when the display mas- ter deck’s Auto Ready function is on.
pREPEAT This lights when the display master deck’s Repeat function is on.
qSYNC This lights during SYNC recording mode.
rREC This lights when the MD deck is record- ing, or in recording standby mode.
sOPTICAL This lights when the MD input source is set to digital.
tANALOG This lights when the MD input source is set to analog.
uSINGLE This lights when the display master deck is in single playback mode.
vRANDOM This lights when the display mas- ter deck is in random playback mode.
wPROGRAM This lights when the display master deck is in program playback mode.
x This lights when the display master deck is in playback or playback standby mode. Also, when the Auto Cue function is on, it flashes during Auto Cue point search.
y This lights when the display master deck is in recording or playback standby mode.