28 Model H63Operating Procedures
Brush CleaningStep 1
Prepare a sink with an approved cleaning solution
(examples:Kay--5Ror Stera--SheenR).USE WARM
IMPORTANT: Follow label directions, as too
STRONG of a solution can cause parts damage, while
too MILD of a solution will not provide adequate
cleaning. Make sure all brushes provided with the
freezer are available for brush cleaning.
Step 2
Remove the:
SSeal from the drive shaft
SO--rings and guide bearing from the torque
SDraw valve from the freezer door
SO--rings from the draw valve
SGasket and front bearing from the freezer
Note: Toremove o --rings, use a single service towel
to grasp the o--ring. Apply pressure in an upward
direction until the o--ring pops out of its groove. Wit h
the other hand, push the top of t he o--ringforward, and
it will roll out of the groove and can be easily removed.
If there is more than one o--ring to be removed, always
remove the rear o--ring first. This will allow the o--ring
to slide over the forward rings without falling into the
open grooves.
Step 3
Remove the o--ringsfrom the inner and outer air tubes.
Step 4
Return to the freezer with a small amount of cleaning
solution. With the black bristle brush,brush clean the
rear shell bearing at the back of the freezingc ylinder.
Figure 31
Step 5
Remove the rear drip pan from the front panel and tak e
to the sink for cleaning.
Note: If the drip pan is filled with an excessive amount
of mix, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 6
Thoroughly brush clean all disassembled parts in the
cleaningsolut ion, making sure all lubricant and mix film
is removed. Take particular care to brush clean the
draw valve core in the freezer door. Place all the
cleaned parts on a clean dry surface to air--dry
Step 7
Wipe clean all exterior surfaces of the freezer.