2 SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
2.2 Advanced Topics Menu Links
Static Routing Click this link to display the IP Address and Routing Tables page.
This page allows you to:
•View or add/delete specific IP address entries for SpeedTouch™'s interfaces:
You can add a static IP address for one of the SpeedTouch™'s interfaces by clicking New. Specify the IP address, (sub)netmask, whether NAPT should be applied to this address, and select the interface to which the IP address applies (use eth0 for the Ethernet interface). Click Apply to add the entry to the table. All essential IP routes using this IP address will be automatically added to the Speed- Touch™ IP routing table.
•View or add/delete static IP routes for SpeedTouch™'s IP router:
Routing can be useful when subnetting your local network. You can add a static IP route by clicking New. Specify the destination IP address (use the prefix notation to apply a subnetmask), source IP address, and specify the gateway IP address or select the interface for this route. Click Apply to add the entry to the table.
Note: Do not forget to save your changes to persistent memory by clicking “ Save all” .
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