Teledyne API Model 200A NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
The procedure for calibration of chemiluminescent NOx analyzers by GPT is specified in the
Federal Register.1 This section applies the general procedure to the specific case of the M200A.
Calibration must be performed with a calibrator that meets all conditions specified in Subsection
2.3.2 (Q.A. Handbook). Flow settings used in the GPT calibration for NO2 must be determined
as illustrated in Section 7.8.4, this manual.
The user should be sure that all flow meters are calibrated under the conditions of use against a
reliable standard. All volumetric flow rates should be corrected to 25o C (78oF) and 760 mm
(29.92 in.) Hg. Calibrations of flow meters are discussed in TAD.2
Gas Phase Titration (GPT) requires the use of the NO channel of the analyzer to determine the
amount of NO2 generated by titration. Therefore it is necessary to calibrate and determine the
linearity of the NO channel before proceeding with the NO2 calibration. It is also necessary to
calibrate the NOx channel. This can be done simultaneously with the NO calibration. During the
calibration the M200A should be operating in its normal sampling mode, and the test atmosphere
should pass through all filters, scrubbers, conditioners, and other components used during
normal ambient sampling and as much of the ambient air inlet system as is practicable. All
operational adjustments to the M200A should be completed prior to the calibration. The
following software features must be set into the desired state before calibration.
1. Automatic Converter Efficiency compensation. See Sections 7.8.6 and 7.9, this manual.
2. Independent range selection. See Sections 5.3.4 and 7.9, this manual.
3. Automatic temperature/pressure compensation. See Table 9-9-5.
4. Alternate units, make sure ppb units are selected for EPA monitoring. See Section
5. Autoranging option. See Section
Converter efficiency should be set prior to calibration since its value is used in the computation
of the NOx and NO2 concentration outputs.
The analyzer should be calibrated on the same range used for monitoring.
If AutoRanging or Independent range options are selected the highest of the ranges will result in
the most accurate calibration, and should be used.
Make sure the GPT calibration system can supply the range of concentrations at a sufficient flow
over the whole range of concentrations that will be encountered during calibration.