Teledyne API Model 200A NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
The M200A control software has two major operating modes. The SAMPLE mode is the normal
mode when the instrument is taking data. The software menu that covers the SAMPLE mode is
diagrammed in Table 5-5-1.
When the instrument is initially installed, or problems indicate a need for diagnostics, the
SETUP menu is used. The SETUP menu is diagrammed in Table 5-5-2.

5.1 Index To Front Panel Menus

The next several pages contain two different styles of indexes that will allow you to navigate the
M200A software menus. The first two pages show a "tree" menu structure to let you see at a
glance where each software feature is located in the menu. The second menu contains a brief
description of each key mnemonic and a reference to the section of the manual that describes its
purpose and function in detail.