44 | section 5
5.2 Status Displays
Telco line and Desktop Director status information is available on both the Web interface and
the LCD.
On the LCD, pressing any menu button twice displays the status screens. ese status screens
display information about the state of the Nx12, but do not allow you to make any changes. e
& buttons cycle through the following screens:
Slot A through B: Line Status
Desktop Director Connection Status 1-8

Line Status

is shows the status of the Telco channels, helping you to confirm that the Nx12 is successfully
configured for each. In addition, information about call status is indicated. One of the following
words will be shown for each Telco channel present:
No line connected, or connected to wrong jack on the Nx12. Or ETS 300 permits the Telco to
put a line to sleep. Deactivated will be displayed when this occurs. Or system is currently testing
for the presence of a POTS line (e.g. looking for loop current)
SPID has been sent to network (DMS Cust. And Natl I-1 only). Network has not approved
SPID (SPID is incorrect).
SPID Error
e SPID has been sent and rejected by the CO switch.
e unit sees a live ISDN S interface (i.e. external NT1 is present or internal NT1 has complet-
ed startup). Or loop current has been detected on a POTS line and the line has been declared
‘in service’ by the system.
Pending Seize
Outgoing call in process; Request for call has been sent to Telco switch. Or outgoing POTS call
is pending – system if ‘off-hook’ and waiting for loop current.
Outgoing call in process; Telco switch has acknowledged the call request. Or Loop current has
been detected on a POTS line after going ‘off-hook’.
Call Proceeding
Outgoing call in process; Telco switch waiting for routing info from network.
Outgoing Ring
Outgoing call in process; far end has generated a call alert signal
Request to disconnect has been made. Awaiting acknowledgment. Or the POTS interface has
gone ‘on-hook’ and system is waiting for loop current to cease.
Incoming Ring
An incoming call request has been detected and is being processed.