InsTallaTIon | 15
Bridging impedance (10k ohms)
Analog Input XLR
1 Ground
2 Audio +
3 Audio -
e inputs are designed to be sourced from balanced, line level signals. Usually shielded cables
have the shield wire connected only on one end to prevent ground loops. Older equipment
with a transformer output stage may need a terminating resistor across pins 2 and 3; consult the
manual for your equipment for how to use it with high impedance inputs.
When using unbalanced sources, we recommend using pin 2 and 3 to connect the signal and
ground, respectively. Usually pin 1 is not connected in order to avoid ground loops.
e sensitivity of the send inputs are adjusted using Nominal Input Level in the Audio menu.
e Input meter indicates the level after the adjustment and before the AGC. See Sections 3.3,
5.1, and 5.4 for additional information on level adjustment.
The Telos Nx12 uses the currently-favored pin-outs for three-pin XLRs. You can easily remem-
ber the correct signals when wiring connectors by using the phrase “George Washington
Bridge.” Pin 1 = G = Ground, Pin 2 = W = “+” = White (typical color in mic cable, if there is no
white there will be a red conductor), and Pin 3 = B = “-” = Black.
AES Digital Inputs
ese are inputs for AES/EBU format digital audio signals and are only present if the unit was
purchased with this option. e AES inputs have the following characteristics:
AES3 compliant
110 Ohms
Sample-rate converted, so may accept sources at any of the common rates, from 32 to 48