user operation 35
Line is not operational
Line Button Columns
Talent Mode
Each line has 2 buttons, the left column for Caller 1 and the right column for Caller 2. Pressing a line button places the caller on that line
Note: When the Nx12 is using a
Pressing a line button when a call is already
If the handset is lifted or
Producer Mode
The left row of buttons is used to answer calls on the handset (or headset). Pressing a left column line button while you have a call on the handset (or in hands free mode) locks the caller. To unlock press that Line button a third time.
The right row of buttons is used to place a caller on Screened Hold. For more details on how screened hold works, see the section on the Next button, below.
Hold & Drop
Talent Mode
These affect only the corresponding line button column above them. A locked line will not be affected. All unlocked lines in that column will be dropped.
Producer Mode
The left hold button is normal hold while the right hold button places a caller on “screened hold”. For more details on how screened hold works, see the section on the Next button, below. The right hold button may be replaced by with a keycap labeled with a
Talent Mode
This button will cause the call designated by the call screener as next to be taken on line column
1.Any unlocked caller will be dropped. (It is possible to configure the system to put the caller back hold instead - see ‘Direct Hold’ option, Section 5.6.)
A producer working as a call screener can place a call on screened hold and the