; Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
04BH quiet Boot Start, OPTIONAL, FAR
04EH post Copyright Display, FAR
050H cpu Display, FAR
051H eisa Init, OPTIONAL
05AH post Display F2 Message, FAR
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
; Disable the CPU cache
; Size and test the system memory
; Size and test the extended memory
; Test extended memory address lines
; User hook # 1
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
05BH cpu Cache Off
05CH post Memory Test, FAR
060H post Extended Memory Test, FAR
062H post Extended Address Test, FAR
064H user Patch1
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
; Enable and configure the cache
; Display the cache size if a cache was detected and enabled.
; Display size of shadow RAM, size of non-disposable BIOS
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
066H cache Adv Config
068H cache Configure
06AH post Display Cache Size, FAR
06CH post Display Shadows, FAR
06EH post Display Non Disposable, FAR
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
; Display any POST errors
; Check for configuration errors
; Test Real Time Clock
; Check for keyboard errors
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
070H post Display Error Messages, FAR
072H post Test Config, FAR
074H post RTC Test, FAR
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
; Set up hardware interrupt vectors
; Test coprocessor if present
; Return to standard real mode
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
07CH post Setup Hardware Vectors, FAR
07EH cpu Coprocessor Test, FAR
096H post Clear Huge ES
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
; Disable programmable I/O devices
; Detect and install fixed RS232 ports
; Detect and install fixed parallel ports
; Init PC-compatible PNP & PCI devices (COM, LPT, floppy, etc.)
; Re-enable programmable I/O and check for conflicts with fixed I/O
;---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
post Shutdown Eight Table LABEL post Proc