Table 21. TVP5154EVM Troubleshooting (continued)
Decoder I2C slave address is wrong.
Encoder I2C slave address is wrong.
Parallel cable is not connected from PC parallel port to the TVP5154 decoder module DB25 connector.
EVM is not powered on.
Wrong type of parallel cable.
No I2C communication
Device was placed in
EVM was configured for an external I2C master.
PC parallel port mode is not set correctly.
Still no I2C communication
Make sure I2C slave address jumpers on the TVP5154 decoder module are across pins 2 and 3.
Slave address is hard coded to be 0x54 in the command file. Make sure the I2C slave address jumper on encoder module is across pins 2 and 3.
Connect cable
Power supply must be plugged into a
Some parallel cables are not wired straight through pin for pin. Use the cable supplied with the EVM.
Press the Reset button on the TVP5154 Decoder Module.
DO THIS AS A LAST RESORT. Reboot PC, enter BIOS setup program, and set parallel port LPT1 mode (Addr 378h) to ECP mode or bidirectional mode (sometimes called PS/2 mode or byte mode). If already set to one of these two modes, switch to the other setting (see Section 10.2).
PC may not be capable of operating in the required parallel port mode. This is true of some laptop computers. Use a different computer, preferably a desktop PC.
When WinVCC is started and the WinVCC Configuration dialog box is closed with OK, the I2C system test is performed (unless the I2C System Test program options button was disabled).
If the I2C system test fails, a dialog box (see Figure 22) appears. This example reports that a read from TVP5154 failed, using slave address 0xB8,
After noting which device had a problem, click OK to continue. Next, the Corrective Action Dialog box appears to fix the problem.
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