MaintenanceReplacing an Oven Light
▯Make sure the appliance and lights are cool an d
power to the appliance has been turn ed off
before replacing the light bulb(s). Failure to do so
could result in electrical shock or burns.
▯The lenses must be in place when using the
▯The lenses serve to protect the light bulb from
▯The len ses are m ade of g lass. Ha ndle car efully t o
avoid breaking. Broken glass coul d cause an
▯Light socket is live when door is ope n.
Use only 120 volt, 25 watt halogen light bulbs, G9 base.
These bulbs can be purchased throu gh retail stores.
Use a clean, dry cloth to handle halogen light bulbs. This
will increase the life of the bulb.
Hint: Some users may find it helpful to remove the oven
door to provide easier access and visi bility. See the
following section: “Removing the oven door".
To replace the halogen bulb on the ove n ceiling:
Turn off power to the oven at the main power supply
(fuse or breaker box).
Remove the oven racks if necessary to provide access
to the bulb hous ing.
Remove the glass cover by unscrewing i t.
The halogen bulb is visible in the light fixture.
Remove the halogen bulb by pulling it out of the 2 pin
socket. Pull straight down and out.
Painted Surfaces Clean with hot soapy water or
apply Fantastik® or Formula
409® to a clean sponge or
paper towel and wipe clean.
Avoid using powder cleaning
agents, steel wool pads and
oven cleaners.
Porcelain Surfaces Immediately wipe up acid spills
like fruit juice, m ilk and tomatoes
with a dry cloth. Do not us e a
moistened sponge/cloth on hot
porcelain. When cool, clean with
hot soapy water or apply Bon-
Ami® or Soft Scrub® to a damp
sponge. Rinse and dry. For stub-
born stains, use soap-filled pads.
It is normal for porcelain to show
fine lines with age due to expo-
sure to heat and food soil.
Stainless Steel Sur-
faces Always wipe or rub in the direc-
tion of the grain. Clean with a
soapy sponge, then rinse and
dry, or wipe with Fantastik® or
Formula 409® sprayed on a
paper towel. Protect and polish
with Stainless Steel Magic® and
a soft cloth. Remove water spots
with a cloth dampened with white
vinegar. Use Bar Keeper´s
Friend® to remove heat discolor-
Plastic & Controls When cool, clean with soapy
water, rinse and dry.
Probe Wipe with soapy water. Do not
submerge. Do not wash in the
Printed areas (words
& numbers)
Do not use abrasive cleaners or
petroleum based solvents.
Part Recommendations