Cleaning SafetyIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE: The California Safe
Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Ac t requires the
Governor of California to publis h a list of substances
known to the state to cause canc er, birth defects or other
reproductive harm, and requires bu sinesses to warn
customers of potential expos ure to such substances. The
burning of gas cooking fue l and the elimination of soil
during self-cleaning can generate som e by-products
which are on the list. To minimize exposure to these
substances, always operate this uni t according to the
instructions contained in this booklet and provide good
When self-cleaning, confirm that the door locks and will
not open. If the door d oes not lock, do not run Se lf-
Clean. Contact service.
Wipe out excessive spil lage before self-cleaning th e
Birds have very sensitive respirato ry systems. Keep pet
birds out of the kitche n or other rooms where kitchen
fumes could reach them. During self-clean, fumes are
released that may be h armful to birds. Other kitche n
fumes such as overheating margar ines and cooking oils
may also be harmful.
Keep oven free from gre ase build up.
Cookware SafetyNOTICE: Do not place food directly on oven bo ttom.
Follow the manufacturer’s directions when using cooking
or roasting bags.
Do not clean parts or accessorie s in the self-clean oven.