Toshiba 1600XP operation manual Equipment Warning Labels, Critical Fuse Sizing

Models: 1600XP

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2. Equipment Warning Labels

The following pages show examples of warning labels that may be attached to either the interior or ex- terior of the UPS. Do not remove or cover any of the labels. If the labels are damaged or if additional labels are required, contact your equipment representative for additional labels.

These labels are placed to provide useful information or to indicate an imminently hazardous situation that may result in severe equipment/property damage, serious injury, or loss of life if instructions are not followed.


Risk of electrical shock. Do n ot touch u nin su lat ed batt ery terminals. Batteries sh ould be serviced b y qua lified service repre se ntative only. Miswiring of batt ery could result in ele ctrcal sh ock a nd/or fire.

Risque de choc electrique . Le circuit des ba tteries nest pa s e so led e secteur. Le s cosses des ba tteries peu ven t prese nter une te nsion dange reu se part rapport a la terre . Ve rifier avan t de to uch er.


This unit contains sealed lead acid batteries. Lack of preventative maintenance could result in batteries exploding and emitting gasses and/or flame. Annual preventative maintenance must be performed by an authorized, trained technician .



Incorrect fu se replacem ent size may result in fire or inadeq uate equ ipm ent protection.

Re pla ce only with same t ype and rating of fuse.

P/N 63094 – External warning sign.

Unit contains potentially dangerous voltages.

Read the instruction manual before operating.

There are no user serviceable parts inside.

Refer service to qualified personnel.

Do not open the cover while power is applied, or within five minutes after removal of power.

Potentially hazardous leakage current may exist. Ensure the grounding is connected before connecting the utility power.

P/N 48518 – Battery terminals can deliver dangerous electrical shock. Service by qualified service representatives only.

P/N 49455 – UPS Batteries require an- nual preventative maintenance. Failure to perform regular maintenance could result in batteries exploding, or emitting gasses or flame.

P/N 49455 – Replace Fuse only with one of same type and range. Incorrect fuse size may result in equipment damage.

1600XP Series Installation and Operation Manual


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Toshiba 1600XP operation manual Equipment Warning Labels, Critical Fuse Sizing